Community has become even more important in these challenging times. We offer multiple ways to connect.
We invite you to enjoy our Sunday morning services! JOIN US!
For those who cannot make it in person to services, we offer livestreaming via YouTube. See this week’s service announcement directly below with the link. (Click on the picture.)
Sunday morning service videos can be accessed at your convenience on our Worship page or YouTube channel.
Join us September 22nd for our Sunday Morning Dialog. CLICK HERE for more information.
Rev. Craig hosts Thursday Tea Time at 4pm on zoom the weeks he is in the pulpit. CLICK HERE to find the link.
Sunday, December 15th, 10:30am
In person & livestreamed
Giving the Present of Presence
Rev. Dr. Craig Rubano
This morning, we dig into our theme for the month of December: presence. No, not presents, although we are perhaps more likely to have the latter on our minds than the former. How can we give one another and ourselves the gift of presence?
Music: Brian Gilmore, Guest Musician
Sunday, December 15th, 9am
Community Room
Ten Days in Thailand
Woody Ross, UUCMC Member
Thailand is a kingdom in South East Asia which has never been dominated by any colonial powers. The population is 93% Buddhist and deeply committed. It’s beautiful, where habitually sweet and serene people walk their talk even in this era of almost overwhelming tourism, foreign investment, and surrounded by totalitarian neighbors. The ancient beauty shines through all the modernization. A 10-day tour did not by any means make Woody an authority on Thailand or Buddhism. Those of who have made the trek or practice Buddhism are invited to weigh in with their knowledge as appropriate and appropriately.
The weekly service and Thursday Tea Time links are sent out via email each week. In addition, our weekly eblast that comes out on Thursday mornings has loads of information about UUCMC happenings. If you are not already on our email list, click the button in the footer to sign up. Our Facebook page (click here) is also updated as information unfolds.
We welcome you into our meetinghouse or you can join us in community from your homes.
December Monthly Theme: The Practice of Presence
Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the earth revolves—slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.
At the end of the day: do others feel loved in your presence? This is the spiritual bottom line.
Presence is removing judgment, walls, and masks so as to create a true and deep connection with people or experiences.
One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that your presence and absence both mean something to someone.
Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.
Most of us have spent our lives caught up in plans, expectations, ambitions for the future; in regrets, guilt or shame about the past. To come into the present is to stop the war.
It’s not forgetting that heals. It’s remembering.
Nothing in the past is as powerful as what we choose to do in the present moment.
In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still.
Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.