Community has become even more important in these challenging times. We offer multiple ways to connect.

We invite you to enjoy our Sunday morning services! JOIN US!

For those who cannot make it in person to services, we offer livestreaming via YouTube. See this week’s service announcement directly below with the link. (Click on the picture.)

Sunday morning service videos can be accessed at your convenience on our Worship page or YouTube channel.

Our Sunday Morning Dialog returns September 15th. Stay tuned! CLICK HERE for more information.

Rev. Craig hosts Thursday Tea Time at 4pm on zoom the weeks he is in the pulpit. CLICK HERE to find the link.

September 15th,  10:30am
In person & livestreamed

Preemptive Radical Inclusion: A Model for Invitation
Rev. Dr. Craig Rubano

What if we presupposed, as a radical stance of invitation, that everyone is already in the room? That is at the heart of Preemptive Radical Inclusion (PRI), a set of practices and perspectives pioneered by UU educator CB Beal. This morning, we will look at how an invitation needs to be followed up by inviting acts of hospitality, setting us on a journey toward collective justice and liberation.

After the service, a PotLuck Picnic will celebrate the inauguration of our “Seeds of Love” congregational year and the beginning of Family Ministry programming for younger people. And there will be cake to thank our outgoing Lead Childcare Provider of the past three years, Emma Farkas.

Music: Ian Kanev, guest musician

Ian Kanev is a Performing Arts major with an emphasis on piano at Ocean County Community College (OCC), and is a piano student of Brian Gilmore. His projected date of graduation with an associate’s degree is May 2025, after which he plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree at a music conservatory for Performance Piano. Prior to enrolling at OOC, Ian traveled extensively with his family and solo. His goal is to perform for audiences around the world. Ian has found his true path in performance piano and classical music, and he attributes much of that drive to his professor, Brian Gilmore.

September 15th,  9:00am
Community Room

Protect Democracy: Get Out the Vote!
Tony Giordano, Team Leader, UUCMC UU the Vote/Democracy Team; and several team members

Raising voter turnout is a powerful action citizens can take to protect our democracy from the growing number of attacks. And it’s easy to do. We’ll describe some ways to get out the vote and help you get started with letter and postcard writing. Letters, postcards and stamps will be available.

Tony has been a member of UUCMC and our Social Justice Com. for 12 years. For the last 8 years he has chaired or co-chaired the UUCMC UU the Vote Team, which began as the Corruption of Democracy Team. Tony is also a member of the UUSJ Democracy Action Team.
For more: 2024 Activities and Events List – UUSJ Democracy Leaders – Google Docs; Book: “How Democracies Die” by Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt.

The weekly service and Thursday Tea Time links are sent out via email each week. In addition, our weekly eblast that comes out on Thursday mornings has loads of information about UUCMC happenings. If you are not already on our email list, click the button in the footer to sign up. Our Facebook page (click here) is also updated as information unfolds.

We welcome you into our meetinghouse or you can join us in community from your homes.

Sunday Services
Faith Development
Social Justice
Upcoming Events

September Monthly Theme: The Practice of Invitation

A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal [themselves] to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.

David Whyte

Sabbath observance invites us to stop….It asks us to notice that while we rest, the world continues without our help.

Wendell Berry

We grew up (and still live) in a world that constantly screams at us to seek pleasure….I don’t remember anyone ever telling me that it is worth striving for wisdom or strength of character.

Tristan Tell

I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination.

Scott Adams

True hospitality is when someone leaves your home feeling better about themselves, not better about you.

Shauna Niequist

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Paul’s letter to the Hebrews

If justice is what love looks like in public, then inclusion is what love looks like among groups.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson