Community has become even more important in these challenging times. We offer multiple ways to connect.

We invite you to enjoy our Sunday morning services! JOIN US!

For those who cannot make it in person to services, we offer livestreaming via YouTube. See this week’s service announcement directly below with the link. (Click on the picture.)

Sunday morning service videos can be accessed at your convenience on our Worship page or YouTube channel.

Join us February 16th for our next Sunday Morning Dialog. CLICK HERE for more information.

Rev. Craig hosts Thursday Tea Time at 4pm on zoom the weeks he is in the pulpit. CLICK HERE to find the link.

February 16th, 10:30am
In person and livestreamed

Inclusion, Random Acts of Kindness, Baby Dedication
Rev. Dr. Craig Rubano and Michelle McKenzie-Creech, CDFM

Although February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day, it is no random act of kindness to welcome recently-born children into our congregational community. Indeed, the ritual of Baby Dedication is at the heart of what we do as Unitarian Universalists, the ultimate act of “inclusion,” our theme for February. This morning, we dedicate two children to our collective care. Please be present to witness and to take responsibility for this action.

Music: Michael Rosin, Music Director; UU Singers

February 16th, 9:00am
UUCMC Community Room

Immigration Policy in the First Month of the New Administration
UUCMC Social Justice Coalition and Friends

At this writing, we don’t fully comprehend what the changes to immigration policy will mean for immigrants or those of us who are not directly imperiled. Members of the SJ team will lead a discussion of what we know and what we can do.

The weekly service and Thursday Tea Time links are sent out via email each week. In addition, our weekly eblast that comes out on Thursday mornings has loads of information about UUCMC happenings. If you are not already on our email list, click the button in the footer to sign up. Our Facebook page (click here) is also updated as information unfolds.

We welcome you into our meetinghouse or you can join us in community from your homes.

Sunday Services
Faith Development
Social Justice
Upcoming Events

February Monthly Theme: The Practice of Inclusion

Inclusion is being invited to a house and being able to rearrange the furniture.

Jane Silber

It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.

Audre Lorde

There is something to being chosen that is uniquely healing.

Cole Arthur Riley

If justice is what love looks like in public, then inclusion is what love looks like among groups.

Rev. Matthew Johnson

I believe every inch of America is sacred, from sea to shining sea. I believe we make it holy by who we welcome and by how we relate to each other.

Eboo Patel

It’s okay to distance yourself from spaces that demand a version of you that no longer is true. Belonging shouldn’t depend on an illusion.

Cole Arthur Riley

Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.

Verna Myers