Current Online Offerings

Sunday service links are sent out via email weekly. Join our email list to find out more.

For our Services, visit UUCMC’s YouTube channel:

Join us for Thursday Tea Time with Rev. Craig!
4pm the weeks he is in the pulpit for an hour on Zoom.

We regularly have a Common Read book and discussion group.
Visit our Common Read page for more information.

Contact Ann Sherwood for more information.

Lammas with Sister Circle

SisterCircle welcomes all women to join us in celebrating another turn in the wheel of the year on Sunday July 28th in the Community Room. Set up is at 5:00, ritual starts at 5:30. This ritual will celebrate the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox and the first harvest of the year. Also known as Lammas or Lughnasa marks the Celtic First Day of Autumn! We will gather to celebrate our personal “first harvests” at a feast of seasonal foods (and chocolate). We will listen to the story of the Celtic sun god Lugh and his mother Tailtiu, the goddess of endurance, and play games in her honor.

Please bring seasonal decorations for the altar if you wish and electric candles (we mourn the absence of candle flames, but honor safety and those with allergies). Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. We find clean-up is much less time consuming if we bring our own place setting (a plate, cup, drinking glass, napkin and cutlery) that we rinse off and take home.

Upcoming Community Connection Event

Thursday, August 15th, 6-8:30pm

Beach Gathering, Bradley Beach
Contact Denise for more information & to RSVP.

Parking Lot Qigong

Join Parking Lot Qigong with Maxine Forster Guenther on Saturdays, (weather permitting) 10:30-11:30am in the back parking lot at UUCMC. It is important that interested people email Maxine and ask to be on the Parking Lot Qigong email list.