Our dialog series provides a forum for intellectual pursuit and rational thought as integral to our spiritual journeys at UUCMC. Dialogs are planned on the first and third Sundays of the month at 9 am from September to May.
We welcome suggestions for speakers and topics. Please email uucmc@uucmc.org.
Upcoming Sunday Dialogs, 9:00am, Community Room
September 15th: Protect Democracy: Get Out the Vote!
Tony Giordano, Team Leader, UUCMC UU the Vote/Democracy Team; and several team members
Raising voter turnout is a powerful action citizens can take to protect our democracy from the growing number of attacks. And it’s easy to do. We’ll describe some ways to get out the vote and help you get started with letter and postcard writing. Letters, postcards and stamps will be available.
Tony has been a member of UUCMC and our Social Justice Com. for 12 years. For the last 8 years he has chaired or co-chaired the UUCMC UU the Vote Team, which began as the Corruption of Democracy Team. Tony is also a member of the UUSJ Democracy Action Team.
For more: 2024 Activities and Events List – UUSJ Democracy Leaders – Google Docs; Book: “How Democracies Die” by Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt
September 22nd: The Omnicentric Universe and What It Means for Us
Sarbmeet Kanwal, PhD
Ever since stars kindled awe in our hearts, we humans have had a sense of a sublime presence that centers on us. Science, however, reduces our universe to a collection of objects adrift in the vastness of empty space. Our latest cosmology is putting centrality back into the cosmos. What does it mean?