We are excited that our congregation has adopted the 8th Principle!
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
Legislation was recently passed that puts into state statute the right to abortion. The Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, S49/A6260, is an amazing step forward when it comes to our rights. Additionally, S413/A4698 which allows for someone to get up to 12 months of birth control at one time passed both houses. Another great win for reproductive justice.
Thanks for supporting the Single-Use Waste Ban Bill! “This is an environmental victory that’s been years in the making,” said Amy Goldsmith, the New Jersey state director for Clean Water Action. “Thank you Gov. Murphy not once but twice — first for vetoing the 2018 bill that would set back efforts to prevent plastic waste, and now for signing the nation’s strongest waste reduction law. It was well worth the wait. New Jersey is now leading the paradigm shift away from single use disposables to reusables.”
The NJ Remembrance Coalition for Social Justice is pleased to announce that our proposal for Soil Collection and an Historical Marker for Samuel Johnson has been approved by the Equal Justice Initiative. We will now be working directly with EJI to educate the public and complete the project.
Thank you to all the congregants who have helped out Fulfill, Lunch Break and Casa Freehold!

As Unitarian Universalists, we embrace the reproductive justice framework, which espouses the human right to have children, not to have children, to parent the children one has in healthy environments, and to safeguard bodily autonomy and to express one’s sexuality freely. Rooted in these values, we unequivocally declare that SB 8, and any law that attempts to criminalize reproductive freedom—including abortion care—is morally wrong.
And, in addition to our thoughts and prayers, our faith calls us to actively and courageously resist such injustice. Here are some ways you and your congregation can take action today:
Donate to support Texans seeking abortions.
The 8th Principle Task Force has started a GoodReads group with recommended reading. It has past common reads as well as member suggestions. Please check it out here.
Support Black-Owned Businesses: MCWRET, Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought, has put together a handy guide of local black-owned businesses. Check it out here and help to support the local community!
Also check out this list of Black-Owned Businesses recently shared with us. It is another great resource with many different categories.
Nikole Hannah-Jones explains the history of economic injustice and argues that if black lives are to truly matter in America, the nation must finally pay its debts. Read here.
UU FaithAction NJ Environmental Task Force newsletter is full of information, news and action items and can be found here.
To keep up to date on continuing actions and ways to fight systemic racism in our country, please check out the following sites:
Showing Up For Racial Justice
Movement For Black Lives
Campaign Zero
National Bail Fund Network

Urge Retailers to Abandon Dirty Ships: New zero-emissions vessels will drastically reduce the shipping industry’s carbon and ocean pollution. Amazon, IKEA, Target, and Walmart can make the choice TODAY to Ship it Zero and exclusively ship on zero-emissions vessels by 2030.
The Poor People’s Campaign – A National Call for Moral Revival has many events and actions. Please check out their site and be on the watch for weekly Moral Mondays.
The NJ Institute for Social Justice has a frequently updated list of actions. Please check back often to see how you can help.